Region West-Central
Erlenstraße 1-9
D-56587 Oberhonnefeld
Phone: +49-(0)26 34-95 44-0
Fax: +49-(0)26 34-95 44-39
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In Oberhonnefeld we are located
right off the B 256, only 500 metres
from the BAB 3, exit Neuwied/
Altenkirchen in the direction of
Region West-North
Borsigstraße 12
D-47574 Goch
Phone: +49-(0)2823-975802
Fax: +49-(0)2823-975803
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In Goch we are located in the
industrial park „West“ only
3.300 metres away from the BAB 57,
exit Kleve (2).
Region East
Zum Wasserturm 78
D-04626 Schmölln
Phone: +49-(0)3 44 91-640-0
Fax: +49-(0)3 44 91-640-49
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In Schmölln, we are located in the
industrial park “Am Wasserturm”,
only 3,000 metres away from the
BAB 4, exit Schmölln.
Region South
Körschtalstraße 107
D-73770 Denkendorf
Phone: +49-(0)7 11-63 34 46-0
Fax: +49-(0)7 11-63 34 46-29
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In Denkendorf, we are located in
the “Körschtal” in the Wolff & Müller
industrial park, only 7,000 metres
from the BAB 8, exit Esslingen or
1,500 metres from the B 10, exit