The Bulk Product Pros

Bulk Product Logistics

Bulk Product Logistics has been our passion since 1939. From our four locations we serve, in the west, the greater Cologne area – Koblenz – Frankfurt/Main and Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Bocholt, Eindhoven, and in the east the greater Leipzig area – Jena – Chemnitz, and in the south the greater Karlsruhe area – Stuttgart – Ulm – Munich. Of course, project-related deployments are possible at any other location as well.

  • Transport of bulk products of all kinds, based on either performance rate or hourly rate
  • Soil transports with all-wheel-drive tractor-trailer
  • Mixed good transports with thermo-trough trailers
  • Transport of concrete and rubble with steel trough trailers
  • “Solo deployments” with 4-axle tractor-trailer and 24 t payload
  • Reliable and flexible with large, self-owned vehicle fleet
  • Reliable with professional vehicle maintenance in self-owned, public automotive workshops
  • Competent due to decades of experience with bulk products
  • Complete vehicle fleet with on-board computers and satellite-based locating

Whether at construction sites or at asphalt and concrete plants, standstill means you lose turnover and incur avoidable costs. Our objective is to prevent this under all circumstances. That is why we are reliable without compromise, when we have an agreement. Whether 10 or 10,000 tonnes a day – you can take us at our word.
No matter what performance items or material supplies you require at your point of deployment, we can offer building materials and disposal services from a single provider.

The telematic system integrated in our forwarding software is worth a closer look. This system not only provides 24/7 satellite location and status tracking of our lorries, and thus of your cargo, it also realizes communications between lorry and disposition without transmission losses. This solution gives you the quality standard that currently leads the pack in this branch. Our IT competence is an important part of the package.

No matter what happens – the high level of transactions in our own name ensures a high quality standard. Timely, reliable transport services are also a result of professional vehicle maintenance. In our own public automotive workshops, each lorry is maintained in top condition, technically and visually, by a monthly safety and reliability check.

Construction Material Sales

  • Our bulk product assortment includes, for instance, various sand types, gravels, grits, mineral mixtures, clays, lava, recycling products. Any other bulk product requirements? Just ask!
  • We deliver free of charge to your deployment site, or elsewhere, ex our warehouses in Oberhonnefeld, Schmölln and Goch.
    For an overview and prices for our construction materials, click here.


Bulk Product Disposal

  • We see to disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous soil type, soil/construction rubble mixtures, rubble, green waste, …
  • Hazardous goods transport acc. to GGVS (Hazardous Goods Ordinance – Road)
  • As a certified disposal operation acc. to §56 KrWG, we ensure your bulk goods are disposed of properly!

Road transport of feed

  • As a GMP+ B4 certified company we transport your feed with pleasure.• Als GMP+ B4 zertifiziertes Unternehmen transportieren wir gerne Ihre Futtermittel

Best EXTRA service for you!

  • Telematics/localization access for you!
  • Loading with excavator / wheeled loader
  • Take advantage of our 75 years of bulk goods experience!


Construction Materials & Disposal
Region West-Middle
Division Head
Martin Brügge02634-9544-200151-6723840702634-9544-29
Raffael Schüttler02634-9544-210171-646018602634-9544-29
Hannah Gerstmann02634-9544-2502634-9544-29
Daniel Rech02634-9544-2302634-9544-29
Region West-North
Division Head
Markus Tünnessen02823-9758020157-5715231502823-975803
Kevin Hilker02823-9758020173-164480002823-975803
Christian Lutz02823-975802 02823-975803
Region East
Mario Kolacyak034491-640-210170-2467818034491-640-29
Andy Hartung034491-640-20034491-640-29
Felix Walleneit034491-640-20034491-640-29
Accounting and Commercial Head
Andrea Britze034491-640-12034491-640-29
Region South
Dep. Manager and Sales
David Zimmerling0711-633446-240711-633446-29
Özge Ildam0711-633446-210711-633446-29